3.0 Sprint 9

1. Sprint Release

  • 3.0 - Sprint 9
  • Release date – June 10, 2016

2. Tag Name: 3.0 - Sprint 9

3.  Deliverables

Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)

Oracle: https://github.com/openlibraryenvironment/ole/blob/3.0-Sprint-9/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/oracle/3.0.sql

Mysql: https://github.com/openlibraryenvironment/ole/blob/3.0-Sprint-9/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/mysql/3.0.sql

1) To fix performace issue with Order import (Merged 2.1 changes to 3.0)

              Added SLEEP_TIME_FOR_ORDER_PROCESS system parameter to reduce the db load during Order Import

2) OLE-8606

              Updated the OLE_BAT_PRCS_PRFLE_CNST_S sequence value

System parameters:

1) To fix performace issue with Order import (Merged 2.1 changes to 3.0)

              Added SLEEP_TIME_FOR_ORDER_PROCESS system parameter to reduce the db load during Order Import


Workflow xml change:

4. Jiras

S.No.Component/sKeySummaryPriorityIssue TypeLabelsComments
1Select & AcquireOLE-7153e-holdings and 856s: need to be able to recreate 856s from e-holdings dataMajorEnhancementERM, MustHave 
2DescribeOLE-7293Bad Statistical code data is creating strange errors with batch loading.CriticalBug/DefectMustHave, NewBatch 
3Select & AcquireOLE-8606EDI Contribution to OLE from SOAS implementationMajorEnhancementMustHave 
4DescribeOLE-8896New Batch process exceptions while overlaying bib and eholdings record.BlockerBug/DefectNewBatch 
5DescribeOLE-8919New Batch job executions reports linking to the wrong reportsCriticalBug/DefectNewBatch 



























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