
1. Sprint Release

  • 3.0.6
  • Release date – August 18, 2017

2. Tag Name:  3.0.6

3.  Deliverables

OLE-9254 : 

There is a change in Notice configuration that is used to send notices.

Using Notice Configuration screen, the users have an option to choose the Patron/Item field to be displayed in the notices.

The Notice will contain only the fields added in the Patron Field Label Mapping and Item Field Label mapping. Other fields will not be displayed in notices.

Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)

Oracle : NIL


Workflow xml change:


4. Jiras

Priorities – TrivialTrivial; MinorMinor; MajorMajor; CriticalCritical; Blocker Blocker

Issue Types - Task Task; Sub TaskSub Task Bug/Defect; Enhancement Enhancement; Enhancement (PP) Enhancement (PP)

components key summary priority type labels status updated

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