When using NCIP to interact with a library management system (LMS), you may encounter errors. This guide describes common categories of NCIP errors. Note that the exact error text may vary depending on which LMS is being used.

If an NCIP error occurs, you will see a red banner across the top of the screen when trying to complete the related action.

To get more details about the error, click on “View audit trail.” Note that some errors are sent with messy formatting and extraneous text. Look for strings prefixed with “detail” or “type” to extract meaningful content.

Here is an example of a typical NCIP error displayed in the audit trail:

You can find more information about configuring NCIP and editing NCIP settings on the /wiki/spaces/PR/pages/1578172417 page.


Borrower check (NCIP lookupUser)

Receive request (NCIP acceptItem)

Fill request (NCIP checkoutItem)

Complete request (NCIP checkinItem)