OpenRefine Warning Message: Import does not specify an VolumeFirstPackageIssue column

Full text of error

VolumeFirstPackageIssue Import does not specify an VolumeFirstPackageIssue column


This column indicates the first (or last: VolumeLastPackageIssue) volume of this title within this package. This column is not required, but is highly desirable if the information is available. Review the file to determine if there are first and/or last volume numbers.


 Rename a column with a macro

  1. Right-click any cell and select Apply Macro

  2. Search for the name of the package and/or provider to locate the correct macro, or search for the KBART (generic) macro.

  3. Click Ok to run the macro

Rename a column manually

  1. Open the quick resolution menu by clicking on the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the warning message, and selecting "Quick Resolution."
  2. Choose "Rename a column."
  3. A dropdown menu will appear listing all of the columns already in your project.
  4. Choose the one that contains URLs and click "rename."
  5. The warning message should disappear.

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