Developer - Technical Knowledge Base

The following diagram shows the current deployment architecture of KOLE.  


System Integration & Infrastructure covers overall project architecture, integration between the various modules, project setup, build and deployments and above all ensuring coding and kuali best practices are in compliance. This section should provide all the technical information related to integration, installation and infrastructure.

  1. Developer's Guide - This section has information about a typical developer setup of the active OLE trunk.

  2. Database Changes - This section describes the differences in bootstrap and demo datasets that come packaged with OLE. It further explains the process of modifying the data from implementor or development teams perspective and successfully execute a db-reset. 

  3. Data Loading in OLE - Coming soon.

  4. Data Migration in OLE
  5. Unit Tests - This section describes how the testing framework is wired up in OLE and how tests are divided distributed among integration tests and unit tests.

  6. KOLE 1.5 Install Guide - Coming Soon

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